Monday 21 September 2015

Our first Reading Skill - Analyzing

Last week we began learning about our first reading skill of the year - analyzing. In class, we defined analyzing as finding the facts in the text. We usually use this skill when reading non-fiction, but it can be used in all sorts of texts. Analyzing is a skill in which we need to determine the main idea the author is trying to convey, and then the facts (or details) that support the main idea.

We are reading a book about cheetahs in class and recording all of the new facts we are learning as we read. As part of our shared reading practice, we have been reading an article called "The Truth about Canada's Air Pollution" and creating Google Slide presentations to find the main idea and details of each section. When finished, students will present these presentations to the class.

Moving forward, we will continue to read some articles in a magazine about energy conservation and identify main ideas and details. I will also be conferencing with students to identify their strengths and weaknesses as readers. Finally, we will be doing some practice EQAO questions using non-fiction text to develop our ability to answer questions in the most detailed manner for the provincial testing at the end of the year.

For a short video about what Analyzing is, please click the link below. It encompasses the main ideas we discussed in class as we built an anchor chart about analyzing. Please feel free to review these concepts with your child at home. If you are reading non-fiction text with your child, try asking about facts in the text, and what the main idea is. Students often need a great deal of practice with these concepts to further develop their understanding and ability to analyze a text effectively.

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