Thursday 21 April 2016

Rates & Persuasive Essay Writing

Yesterday in math, our class learned about how to find rates. We look at rates much like a ratio r a fraction. In class, we drew triangles as fast as we could for 1 minute, and then figured out how many we would be able to draw in two minutes, three minutes or even half a minute. From there, we read about 3 ways to examine rates: drawing a picture or diagram, using a graph, or making a table. Students spent a bit of time practicing this concept afterwards. We are almost finished our unit on fractions, decimals, ratios and rates, and will soon be moving on to Probability. This was a huge unit, so we will be doing some review before having a test on the concepts towards the end of next week.

In language, students were given time to complete the 2 persuasive essays they began on Monday and Tuesday. The first essay was written using an outline that we prepared together. For the second essay, students were given a topic, and then had to develop an outline and then write their essay. Their task was to convince me that they should be given a block of free time on Fridays! I wonder if they will be able to convince me? I am looking forward to finding out!

In science, we worked on banners about biodiversity for our eco-parade tomorrow. We are focusing on Biodiversity, and the banners turned out really well. Thank you to our parent volunteers who will be escorting us on the parade!

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