Monday 16 May 2016

Transformations and Self Assessment

Today in math we created anchor charts for the three types of transformations we have learned about - translations (slides), reflections (flips) and rotations (turns). We learned how to reflect a shape over a diagonal line, and how to rotate a shape around any point on a coordinate grid.

Both of these tasks are challenging for many students. To rotate around a point, I ask students to use a piece of tissue paper, trace the original shape, then put their pencil tip on the point to be rotated around. Then they rotate in the correct direction and degrees to place the image. When they are sure they have the image in the correct place, I ask them to record each vertice.

When performing a reflection over a line, I ask students to count the units away from the line for each vertice, and then simply do the same in the opposite direction from the mirror line.

Here is a blendspace unit with resources for learning and reviewing the different transformations.

In Language, we reviewed what a level 1 through 4 would look like for a writing assignment we did last week, and then we self assessed our written work. Then I had students re-write their letter to make it a level 4. I am always impressed by students ability to improve their work when they see a good model. As EQAO testing is beginning in the next 2 weeks, we will be doing a great deal of practice tests and then assessing our work and finding out how to improve it. The goal is for students to be able to achieve their best work without the use of a model, as there will not be one available when writing the assessment.

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