Monday 22 January 2018

What Have we been doing in Grade 6?

Over the last few weeks in Grade 6 we have been busy! In language, we have been working on active listening skills. We learned how to actively listen and then did some activities in which we practiced active listening with a partner. Then over the next few days, we listened to or watched some videos which related to our religion program and answered questions about what we learned. Students did very well on this. Over the next week or two we will be learning about Social Media safety, and how to design a poster to grab an audience's attention. As an assessment we will be making a poster to connect to our Read Aloud "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe".

In math, we have been learning about area and perimeter of a variety of shapes (rectangles, parallelograms and triangles). We also have been learning how to find a missing side if given the area of the shape and one dimension (eg. a triangle has an area of 16 square cm and a height of 4 cm. What is the length of the base?). This is more challenging for the students, and so if at all possible please practice at home if  you are able. I will post a Blendpace below with many acitvities and explanations. This week in math we are learning how to find the surface area of rectangular prisms and triangular prisms. This can be very challenging. The Blendspace below demonstrates several ways to find this along with some practice activities.

Area of Parallelograms

Area of Triangles

Surface Area Rectangular Prisms

Surface Area Triangular Prisms

Measurement - Entire Unit

In science, we will be reviewing the concepts we have learned for electricity and states of matter for our test on Thursday. I sent study notes home today for this test.

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