Monday 30 April 2018

Probability, Poetry & Science Projects

This week in math we are beginning to learn about Probability. This is usually a fairly fast unit to learn, since many of the concepts tie in with what we just studied about fractions, decimals and percent. I would expect we should be able to finish this unit within a week or two at most.

In language, we are learning about poetry and inferring. We are reading a number of poems, and learning about how to "read between the lines" when reading. I encourage students to make an inference by not simply answering a question, but also to explain what clues in text help them come to their conclusion, as well as what they know from their own experience. We will also continue to practice responding to text through EQAO reading, and writing an announcement.

In our afternoon science class, we are finishing up our unit on Space (grade 6) and Conservation of Energy (Grade 5). Students are finishing their reports/designs in class on Tuesday. Students can build their model at home and bring it in by Friday. We will be presenting our work over the next few weeks. We will be having a science test next Tuesday that will cover all of the material we have learned throughout this unit. I will send home their notes from their science folders that will help students study for their test.

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