Friday 24 October 2014

Math Testing Next week and Blendspace for studying!

Next week, we will be doing some assessment for our math unit of number sense. We will have a quiz on Tuesday, some EQAO questions on Wednesday and a test on Thursday. We will be reviewing in class on Monday to practice for the assessments.

To help your child study an review the concepts, I have created a number of links to study tools in an app called Blendspace. Before students use the app, they should register as part of our class. In the future, this will help because we will do some short quizzes using the app, and I will be able to track the amount of time students have spent working on each unit. Additionally, I will be using this app to introduce new concepts at home, before coming to school, as a pre-teaching tool.

Here is how students can register:

  1. go to
  2. click "sign up" in the top left corner
  3. click "I'm a student"
  4. You will see a screen titled "Register as a student" - click the button underneath the title. The button says "Sign up with google account"
  5. use your child's google account sign in information to sign up, press the accept button for the message that follows.
  6. you will then be into Blendspace. Press "Join Class" and enter the code "ezdi"
  7. now you should see the lesson "place value" which is our study tool for this unit. 
  8. You can also access this through our blog under the "Homework Links" on the right side of this page. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Good luck!

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