Monday 16 January 2017

Report Writing

Before the holiday our class learned about writing reports using the correct format and structure. For assessment, students wrote a report about a topic of their choice. I marked these over the holiday and students were given their marks in Hapara. Please feel free to have your child show you their mark in Hapara and their written work. I tried to make as many comments as possible to assist them in understanding their mark. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

To further consolidate learning, we wrote a sample EQAO writing assessment last week, which focused on writing a report. Students were asked to write about the importance of being physically active. Today, we looked at the exemplars from EQAO for levels 1-4 and students self-assessed their work. Many were very good! Students who did not believe they had achieved level 4 were invited to try to improve it now that they had seen what it looked like. There wasn't a lot of time t make changes, but a few were made. I will mark these new reports so students can see how I would assess them.

In the meantime, here is a document that shows the question and an example of a level 1 through level 4 for this assignment. This will give a good indication of the level of writing that is expected at grade 6.

Thank you for your continued support this year. If you have any questions about your child's progress, please feel free to contact me any time.

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