Monday 9 January 2017

Welcome Back to a New Year!

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and is looking forward to the New Year. We will be busy in Grade 6!

This, month, we will be focusing on geometry in math. We will be learning how to measure a variety of angles, classify figures and construct shapes to very specific measurements. Finally, we will be identifying shapes based on their nets and drawing 3D figures using isometric paper. Students generally find that constructing shapes is the most difficult part of this unit, so we will likely spend a fair amount of time practicing this skill.

In language and religion we will be learning about self-monitoring while we read and using fix-up strategies when we recognize that we are not understanding. See the presentation here for the strategies we learned in class. We will be writing a number of summaries to demonstrate that we are understanding our reading and writing journal entries as well. We will be beginning to learn about the sacrament of Confirmation and making preparations for our upcoming celebration in June.

In our afternoon class, we will be continuing to learn about electricity. We have learned about what electricity is, static and current electricity, and a variety of types of circuits. We will be learning about the different ways that electricity is generated and the environmental effects of each. Finally we will be building something that works by using electrical circuits.

If you have any questions about what is happening in class, please feel free to contact me at school. I am always happy to share your child's progress and explain about our program. I wish everyone a Happy New Year!

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