Wednesday 18 October 2017

Report Writing

We are winding up our unit on Analyzing in language, and will be writing a few reports to finish and show that we understand how to write longer, multiple paragraph pieces that have clear main ideas and details.

In class, we have been reading a book about Cheetahs together, and reading an article about Canada's Air Pollution in pairs. Students have been identifying main ideas and supporting facts, and putting them into a Google Slidedeck or a RAN chart to show their understanding.

We will be using the facts we have learned about Cheetahs to build an outline together, and then write a report about cheetahs based on what we have learned. I will demonstrate to students how to make an outline, and then how to use the outline to write the first few paragraphs, Students will then be asked to complete the final few paragraphs independently. They may use technology for this if they wish.

Once that is complete, then I will be providing a complete outline for a short report and asking students to write an entire report independently from the outline provided. Again, technology may be used and is encouraged.

Finally, students will be conducting some research, organizing facts into an outline and writing a short report (Introduction, 3 paragraphs, Conclusion) about an animal of their own choosing.

This is a lot of work! We will be working on this for the next few weeks for sure. Additionally, we will be doing a few more Reading EQAO practice tests to get used to the format and build our ability to answer these types of questions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you!

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